Friday, July 17, 2020

Esssay on Causes of Cancer

Esssay on Causes of Cancer Causes of Cancer Dec 20, 2018 in Healthcare Introduction Cancer is a cell-related disease that forms the category of some of the dreaded terminal diseases. High mortality rates associated with cancer have pushed many researchers to shift attention to the probable causes of the disease. This is because the cost implications of treatment and management of cancer victims are very high. The disease harms the body of the patient as destroyed cells divide at a high speed and form lumps of tissues within the body. This paper explores some of the causes of cancer disease. Causes of Cancer and Reducing Your Risk Cancer has been attributed to genetic inheritances, diet, smoking, radiation, and sunlight and ultra-violet radiations among other causes (Bozzone, 2007). Researchers have established that cancer can be caused by genes when cells undergo high-speed growth resulting from DNA mutations (Bozzone, 2007; Jones, 1998). This, in turn, destroys the genes involved in cell division. Cancer can, therefore, be inherited if ones family members have certain cancerous genetic predispositions.